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A comprehensive guidebook to Broughton bluff (Note: Also included in the Portland app and free with the Portland Print Guidebook). 


Broughton Bluff Crag Guide App

A comprehensive digital guidebook

A comprehensive digital guidebook to the entire crag with new routes added in 2019.

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Route Log

Log your routes and make ticklists


Google Maps and offline custom approach maps


Full route descriptions and photo topos

Broughton Bluff

Sport climbs, trad climbs, and topropes for the entire crag.

Easily Locate climbs

Easily browse climbs

Photo topos

A photo of nearly every route.

Next Ascent Climbing App

The fastest growing app platform for digital rock climbing guidebooks with all of Oregon coming in summer of 2019!


The Guide

The Broughton Bluff digital guidebook is  has full route descriptions, topo photos for every route, FA info, beta, descent and toprope recommendations, route logs, ticklists, directions, offline maps, Google maps, terrain maps, apprproach maps and beta, and all routes at the areas with a topo for every route. Fully authored no user generated route beta. Please Note: This guidebook also comes free with the purchase of the Climb Portland, Mt Hood & The Gorge Print Guide.  If you purchase the Portland digital guide this area is included there as well.

Broughton Bluff Crag Near Portland

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